MatsuHana Zine

A MatsuHana focused fanzine.
Contributor apps are open!


This is a charity, physical and digital MatsuHana focused fanzine! This zine is now SFW only. This zine will have art, fic, and merch.

There will be an announcement regarding which charity at a later time. We will be asking for contributors for input on where we donate to during the creation process.


What is the theme of this zine?

There is not a central theme beyond focusing on Matsukawa and Hanamaki. We will be allowing contributors to create canon compliant pieces as well as pieces revolving around AUs.

Is this a SFW or NSFW project?

This is a SFW project!

Is this zine for charity or for profit?

All profits from this zine will be going towards production of the zine and then remaining funds will be donated to charity. There will be an announcement regarding which charity at a later time. We will be asking for contributors for input on where we donate to during the creation process.

How many contributors will be participating?

For the SFW zine we are looking for 5 writers, 20 to 30 artists, and 3 to 5 merch artists.

Is there an age requirement for this zine?

We are requiring that all contributors be 16 or older.

Will this zine include manga spoilers?

We will not be excluding manga spoilers, however, as Hanamaki and Matsukawa have not been present in the manga for some time now, spoilers will not be as likely with more prominent characters.

Note: This question is now under discussion with the mod team.

Who is modding this zine?

We have four mods! Imori, Yuzu, Sweet and Mei. You can find more mod information here.

Will this be a digital or physical zine?

This zine will be available as both a digital and a physical zine.

What are the zine specs?
Size: A5 (210 x 148 mm or 8.3 x 5.8 in)Resolution: 300 dpiWord Count: 2.5k to 3k
Is traditional art work allowed?

Traditional art is allowed as long as a high quality scan can be made of the artwork.

Can contributors have more than one role (ex. Can a contributor be both a merch artist and page artist)?

Yes. We will be allowing artists to participate as both page artists and merch artists if they indicate they are comfortable taking on both roles.

Will there be guest contributors?

We will not be having guest contributors for this zine. All contributor positions will be given to those who apply.

Will contributors receive a copy of the zine?

All contributors will receive a free digital copy of the zine. If sales allow, contributors will also receive a physical copy.


Interest Check June 7th - June 30th
Mod ApplicationsJuly 1st - July 15th
Mod Emails SentJuly 16th
Contributor AppsJuly 20th - Sept 3rd
Application Emails SentSeptember 6th - 8th
Idea PitchesSeptember 15 - 17th
Check In 1October 6th - 8th
Check In 2November 3rd - 5th
Check In 3December 8th - 10th
Final SubmissionsJanuary 12th - 15th
PreordersLate February/Early March
Shipping PeriodTBD


Mod Imori
Head ModPrimary roles: Beta reading, Check In’s, Finance, and ShippingAiding in: Organization, General, and Social Media

Mod Yuzu
General/Organization ModPrimary roles: General, OrganizationAiding in: Social Media and Check In’s

Mod Mei
Layout/Design ModPrimary roles: Design/Layout

Contributor Info

We ask that all applicants are at least 16 years of age.Contributors are welcome to apply to any combination of the various positions.Please do not include NSFW samples in your application.
3 to 5 samples1k to 3k word count per sampleAt least one work must be Haikyuu related.We will be looking for 5 to 8 writers.
3 to 5 samplesPieces do not need to be Haikyuu related, but it is encouraged.Please include at least one sample with a full background illustration.Applicants applying as both artists and merch artists may be accepted for both if they indicate they can handle the workload.We will be looking for 20 to 30 artists.
Merch Artists
3 to 5 samplesIf you are interested in designing prints/postcards please include at least one work with a full background illustration.It is encouraged to show previous merch you’ve created within your portfolio.Merch artists would be expected to design at least 2 pieces, unless they are also contributing as a page artist.Applicants applying as both artists and merch artists may be accepted for both if they indicate they can handle the workload.We will be looking for 3 to 5 merch artists.